Category Archives: Regards

World Migratory Bird Day

In 2006, the United Nations established World Migratory Bird Day to be held on the second weekend of May every year. The event was founded as an effort of the UN’s Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds to raise awareness of the migratory linkages between regions of the globe. World Migratory Bird Day events have been held in 118 nations. Each year, the United Nations announces a uniting theme for official events.

It’s important to raise people’s knowledge about migrant birds as many of them are in danger of extinction or at least the loss and destruction of their habitats.

For example, “Omid” (literally means Hope in Persian) is the last Siberian crane that wings his way to Iran for years in the first week of the Iranian calendar month of Aban falling on the last week of October. Every year, there are concerns about the extinction of this very special migratory bird as it’s the only survivor of this species.